Category: Coffee #LevelUp

  • The Story Behind The Rare Bernardina Coffee Varietal

    The Story Behind The Rare Bernardina Coffee Varietal

    These days, coffee aficionados know the most common types of coffee. Names like caturra, bourbon and the pricey geisha are now becoming commonplace.  However, new types still make an appearance on rare occasions. This includes wild, naturally-occurring types called “varieties” and other types that are result of cultivation, called “cultivars”.  Despite the wide variety of different types of coffees,…

  • How is Coffee Processed?

    How is Coffee Processed?

    Coffee processing is hugely important since each method delivers a truly unique cup of coffee. There are three main ways to of coffee processing: washed, natural, and honey.  1. Washed/ Wet Processing Washed or wet processing focuses all its attention on flavor of the coffee bean. Processors remove the surrounding coffee cherry from the bean…

  • A History of the Cafe: Bringing People Together

    A History of the Cafe: Bringing People Together

    Throughout history, cafes have been a place to meet friends, work, and provide a source of inspiration. The history of the cafe is a long one; the activities cafe in which customers take part have generally remained the same through time. Cafes have served as public forums for as long as their existence and have…

  • What You Need to Know About Panama Geisha Coffee

    What You Need to Know About Panama Geisha Coffee

    One of the most expensive coffees in the world is the Panama Geisha. While your first thought may be that $25 for a cup (you can find it for less, but it’s often pricey) of coffee at a cafe is absurd, the Panama Geisha is genuinely worth it. What is Geisha Coffee? There are countless…

  • What is Coffee Cupping

    What is Coffee Cupping

    No, we’re not talking about traditional Chinese medicine that uses glass cups and suction that cures muscle pain. Instead, we’ll be discussing coffee tasting, which professionals refer to as coffee cupping. We can dive deeper into this craft and use coffee cupping to better understand a specific type of coffee. It is a precise, consistent…